If the standard mailing list feature does not provide the capacity or features you need in a list manager, it's likely that EzMLM is the answer.
To setup an EzMLM list, select the EZMLM Mailing Lists option on the Email Manager menu in <kbl=7>ServerTools</a>. If the EzMLM option is not listed, you may need to <kbv=plans>upgrade your hosting plan</a>.
We are running the IDX patched version of EzMLM which supports added features. For more information about how to use EzMLM/IDX, visit the EzMLM/IDX web site. As of the date of this article, the EzMLM/IDX manual is for version 0.32, but the EzMLM/IDX FAQ has been updated for version 0.40.
The official FAQ is a bit long and hard to follow so we've written answers to some of the <kbl=55>most frequently asked questions</a> as well.