If you are using FrontPage to create and publish your website, make sure you have the FrontPage extensions installed on your virtual server. If the FrontPage extensions are not installed or are not working properly you may want to re-install the FrontPage extensions using <kbl=7>ServerTools</a>.
After you have built your site, take the following steps to publish your site:
- Open the web you've created on your PC using FrontPage.
- Choose File > Publish Web...
- You will be prompted for the address to publish your site to. Enter the web address of your virtual server. For example, http://www.your-domain-name-here.com.
- You will be asked for FrontPage username and password. If you've forgotton your password or your password is not working then you may change your FrontPage password using the <kbl=7>ServerTools</a> FrontPage Manager.
- Depending on the size of your site, it may take several minutes to upload.
- You should now be able to view your site on-line.
Having trouble? We have solutions to some of the more common problems with FrontPage. If you have reviewed these problems and are still having trouble, contact Microsoft FrontPage Technical Support. If you think the FrontPage Extensions on your site are corrupted then use the FrontPage Repair Tool or the FrontPage install tool included in the <kbl=7>ServerTools</a> FrontPage Manager</a>.